Halloween is right around the corner and this monster figurine made me realize that it is and can be a frightful event especially for babies.
Funny story for you...Gram sent Travler and Gentry a Halloween gift in the mail and in it was this monster that growls. Jabez heard it growl so I thought nothing of it when he demanded he play with it...that was until it went off while he was peacefully crawling around with it. Ty and I have never seen Jabez with such fear!
The next morning Jabez loves getting into mischief and headed off to find something fun to do. I watched him happily crawl down the hall ready to explore Travler's room until he paused and sat in front of the doorway looking into the room and back at me three or four times. I walked towards him thinking he would bolt into Trav's room...still nothing. When I peaked around the doorway, there on Travler's nightstand stood the scary monster.
He is traumatized by it!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I am looking forward to all of the cute kids and handing out candy...I will definitely keep my eye out for Jabez and keep him away from anything too freaky.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Grammy set that scary looking monster?!?! I would cry too!!!
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